Pham Nguyet Minh – Awarded the Gold Cup for first prize in the Asia Pacific Arts Festival

This January, The Asia Pacific Arts Festival was held in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Unbeknown to the school, in attendance at that competition was Pham Nguyet Minh, a Y8B student from BVIS Hanoi. Competing against 80 students from many countries in the Asia Pacific region like China, Singa- pore, Hong Kong, Philippines and Malaysia, Nguyet Minh stole the show, successfully demonstrating her talent and passion through her rendition of Beethoven’s Piano Sonata No. 3 (Op. 8). She was rightly awarded the Gold Cup for first prize in the Piano category.
“She absorbs information fast- er than her classmates during Music lessons”, Ms. Susan Pog- son, the Head of Music said of Nguyet Minh. In addition, Nguyet Minh enthusiastically participates in wider school activities and is an accomplished young sportswoman, winning the Gold Medal in Running during a recent Second- arySports Day Section.”
In her own comments on music at the school, Nguyet Minh stated: “I really enjoy the visits of great artists from the Juil- liard School”, referring to the Nord Anglia Education partnership with the famous New York-based Performing Arts School. Minh also said that she could learn a great deal from the talks on tackling any obstacles on her road to be- coming to a professional performer. On behalf of our school and teachers, we congratulate Nguyet Minh on the Gold Cup and we are sure we will see many more musical achieve- ments in the near future.